
Publications related to the SPaSIO Project:

Czechowska, L., Tyushka, A., Domachowska, A., Gawron-Tabor, K., & Piechowiak-Lamparska, J. (2019). Państwa, organizacje międzynarodowe i partnerstwa strategiczne. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń.

Czechowska, L., Tyushka, A., Domachowska, A., Gawron-Tabor, K., & Piechowiak-Lamparska, J. (2019). States, international organizations and strategic partnerships. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA.

Domachowska, A., Gawron-Tabor, K., & Piechowiak-Lamparska, J. (2018). Institutionalization of Strategic Partnerships: Comparative Analysis of Established European Union Partnerships with the United States, Japan and Canada. Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne, 60, pp. 200-222. DOI: 10.15804/athena.2018.60.12.

Czechowska, L. and A. Tyushka. (2019, under revision). Estimating the Salience of Foreign Policy Goals Using Qualitative and Quantitative Content Analysis: A Case Study of Polish and Lithuanian Foreign Policy Goals, 2004-2010. Journal of International Relations and Development.

Domachowska, A. (2017). Analiza strategicznej narracji ASEANu [The Analysis of ASEAN Strategic Narratives]. Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne [Athenaeum. Polish Political Science Studies], 54: pp. 23-37. 10.15804/athena.2017.54.01.

Czechowska, L. (2017). Mały mocarz: Nowa Zelandia jako przykład roli międzynarodowej osiągniętej dobrą reputacją [A (Not So) Small Power New Zealand: Exploring the Links between (Good) Reputation and Strategic Role in International Affairs.]. Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne [Athenaeum. Polish Political Science Studies], 54: pp. 7-22. 10.15804/athena.2017.54.01.

Domachowska, A. (2016). Dyplomacja kulturalna ASEANu [ASEAN’s cultural dyplomacy]. Kultura i Edukacja [Culture and Education], 3(113): pp. 47–63. DOI: 10.15804/kie.2016.03.03.

Tyushka, A. (2016). The Concept of „International Role” in International Relations Theory and Practice: The „PIPP” Analytical Model and Roles Actors Play in World Politics. Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne [Athenaeum. Polish Political Science Studies], 52: pp. 27–53. DOI: 10.15804/athena.2016.52.02.

Piechowiak-Lamparska, J. (2015). Efficiency of state foreign policy. Introduction to definition process. Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne [Athenaeum. Polish Political Science Studies], 48: pp. 226–243. DOI: 10.15804/athena.2015.48.15.

Among team members’ SPG-relevant publications are also:

Tyushka, A., Czechowska, L. (2023). Strategic Partnerships in Twenty-Second Century Global Politics: From Weathering Storms to the Politics of Anticipation. In: Horn, L., Mert, A., Müller, F. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Politics in the 22nd Century. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Czechowska, L. (2022). Joint bodies and the regularization of strategic interaction: a comparison of the European Union’s strategic partnerships with Japan and India, JCMS-Journal of Common Market Studies, DOI:10.1111/jcms.13325, IF(3,99)

Czechowska, L. (2013). The Concept of Strategic Partnership as an Input In the Modern Alliance Theory. The Copernicus Journal of Political Science, No 2, Vol. 4: 46-61.

Czechowska, L. (2013). Wewnątrzunijni partnerzy strategiczni Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej [Inter-EU strategic partners of the Republic of Poland]. MADO, Toruń,  293.

Czechowska, L. (2013). Kooperatywne zachowania państw – ewolucja w czasie [Cooperative behaviour of states – the evolution in time]. Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne [Athenaeum. Polish Political Science Studies], 39: pp. 75-94.

Czechowska, L. (2012). The Foundations of the Polish-Romanian Strategic Partnership. In. L. Czechowska, K. Olszewski (Ed.), Central Europe on the Threshold of the 21st Century. Selected Political and Social Issues. (pp. 195-212), Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Czechowska, L. (2011). Partnerzy strategiczni III RP [Strategic partners of the Republic of Poland. In. L. Czechowska, M. Bierowiec (Ed.), Polityka zagraniczna III RP. 20 lat po przełomie tom II: Stosunki polityczne i gospodarcze” [The foreign policy of the Republic of Poland. 20 years after the turn. Volume 2: Political and Economic Relations]. (pp. 21-44), Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.

Czechowska, L. (2010). Partnerstwo Wschodnie na tle innych regionalnych mechanizmów Europejskiej Polityki Sąsiedztwa – wskazania dla polskiej prezydencji [The Eastern Partnership in comparison with other regional mechanisms of the European Neighbourhood Policy – recommendations for the Polish Presidency]. In. J. Nadolska, K. A. Wojtaszczyk (Ed.), Polska prezydencja w Unii Europejskiej [Polish Presidency of the European Union]. (pp. 245-281), Warszawa:  Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR.

Gawron-Tabor K. (2013). The cooperation of the Visegrad Group in the European integration process in the years 1989-2009. Toruń: Publishing House DUET [In Polish]

Gawron-Tabor K. (2011). The European Union attitude to the Visegrad Group in the European integration process. European studies and analysis, 8, 153-165 [In Polish]

Gawron-Tabor K. (2010). The cooperation of the Visegrad Group in the creation of the Eastern Partnership. In J. Nadolska, K. A. Wojtaszczyk (Ed.), Polish Presidency of the European Union (pp. 305-324), Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR [In Polish]

Gawron K. (2008). Forming the mechanism of „enhanced cooperation” in the European Union. In M. Klimecki, H. Szczechowicz (Ed.), The Past, Present and Future of European Integration (pp. 435-445), Włoclawek [In Polish]

Osińska [Czechowska], L. (2007). Polskie a ukraińskie pojmowanie partnerstwa strategicznego pomiędzy Warszawą a Kijowem [Polish and Ukrainian understanding of the strategic partnership between Warsaw and Kiev. Dialogi Polityczne [Political Dialogues], 8: pp. 25-43.

Tyushka, A. (December 2014, forthcoming). Un Poder Embebido del Intergubernamentalismo Regularizado [Embedded Power of the Regularized Intergovernmentalism]. Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, 108.

Tyushka, A. (2013). Challenge by Change or Challenge for Change? Strategic Implications of ‘Eurogeddon’ for European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy. Chorzowskie Studies in Politics, 6: 113-132.

Tyushka, A. (2011). Foreign Policy Personalization: Chancellor-Presidential Linkages as Determinants of the Franco-German ‘Bilateralism’ in Foreign Policies. Lviv University Herald (Visnyk). International Relations Series, 29: 110-131.

Tyushka, A. (2011). Independent Ukraine in European Politics of Germany and France. International Relations: Theory and Practice, 1: 119-127.

Tyushka, A. (2010). Rezhym Nimetsko-Frantsuz’koi Spivpratsi u Europeis’kiy Politytsi Bezpeky ta Oborony [The Franco-German Cooperation Regime within the European Security and Defence Policy]. PhD Thesis. Lviv: Lviv University Press.

Tyushka, A. (2010). Special Franco-German Relationship in Field of Security and Defence: A Short Study on its Origin, Development, Current State and Future Dynamics. Lviv University Herald (Visnyk). International Relations Series, 27: 52-61.

Tyushka, A. (2010). Modern Strategic Culture of Germany and France: A Comparative Study. Political Management, 5 (44): 177-186.

Tyushka, A. (2010). Inernational Regimes as a Form and Paradigm of International Relations. Political Management, 4 (43): 149-159.

Tyushka, A. (2010). Security and Defence Relationships between Ukraine and the European Union. Modern Ukrainian Politics, 20: 326-335.

Tyushka, A. (2008). Legal Personality of the European Union and the European Communities in Classical Theories and Modern Explanations. Lviv University Herald (Visnyk). International Relations Series, 23: 185-198.

Tyushka, A. (2007). Pivnichno-Amerykanska Zona Vilnoi Torgivli [North American Free Trade Area]. In O. Kuchyk (Ed.), Mizhnarodni Organizatsii: Pidruchnyk [Companion to International Organizations] (pp. 536-569), 2nd ed. Kyiv: Znannia.

Tyushka, A. (2007). Ands’ka Spilnota Natsiy [Andean Community]. In O. Kuchyk (Ed.), Mizhnarodni Organizatsii: Pidruchnyk [Companion to International Organizations] (pp. 592-623), 2nd ed. Kyiv: Znannia.